Monday, May 30, 2011

Know your Body type! (jockey person to person & me)

Identifying your body type
Hourglass - If your waist measurement is smaller than your bust & hip by 4" or more
Barrel -Your waist measures 3” more than your bust and hips.
Inverted Triangle -Your bust measurement is greater by 3” or more than your hip and waist measurements.
Straight -If your waist, hips and bust do not differ in measurement by more than 2” inches.
Pear-Your hips are 4”or more larger than your waist and your bust & waist do not differ significantly.
Apple - You are less than 5’3” and your waist measures 2” more than your bust and hips.

Look for additional posts on do's & don't according to your body type
© 2010 Jockey Person to Person, Inc., All Rights Reserved. JOCKEY PERSON TO PERSON is a trademark of Jockey International, Inc. (In Canada, Jockey Canada Company doing business as Jockey Person to Person.)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Fun fact about all time most popular hair cuts!!

Which hair products do you find that works the best?

Shopping tip on a budget

Happy Memorial Day weekend!!  Have you ever been in a store and had only a certain amount of money to use?  You get up to the register to hear the total only to find out you have gone over budget and have to put items back....bummer, right? Well, here is something that can help!!  If you know the store you are going to, look online first.  Put the items into the shopping cart & it will give you the sub total.  This will give you an idea of what you will spend when you go to the store.  
Email me with any questions at  I look forward to answering any style questions!  Have a great rest of your weekend!!  xojules

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Tee Shirt by Billy Reid proceeds go to support Red Cross disaster in Southern states.  Pretty cool Tee!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Some favorite websites

Hi everyone!  Here is a link to Jockey person to person!  Check out the catalog and then email me if you would like to order something!  It is fabulous merchandise for moms on the go, the career woman, the work-out momma or anyone!  If you want a look that you won't see on everybody else, check out these websites!  They have great items and good prices (for the most part)!!